Félicia Leclerc has been a specialist in User Experience (UX) design for almost 20 years. She initially worked on driving simulator projects, followed by serious games, artificial intelligence, and connected objects. She then led experience design projects for major clients at FROG, the digital agency of CAPGEMINI INVENT, for 7 years, all while championing the voice of design in teams by creating and leading the Design Academy.

With enthusiasm, she joins VALUEXCHANGE as CXO (Chief Experience Officer) to champion the ambition of placing the visitor and their emotions at the heart of a value-driven event experience.

"To successfully challenge the norms of an industry, three conditions are necessary: new ideas, associated expertise, and unwavering determination. At VALUEXCHANGE, these conditions are met to push the boundaries of events. Join us in the coming months to live a high-quality omnichannel experience, ensuring that the pleasure of attending an event is no longer a luxury."


15 Boulevard Saint-Germain – 75005 PARIS

Olivier CADI – CEO – ocadi@valuexchange.fr